Date Formats

The Big Mean Folder Machine allows you to specify custom date and time formats for splitting your files into separate folders.

This mechanism works by using a "pattern" supplied by you, which contains "placeholders" that will be replaced with the actual date and time values of each file.

The placeholders are simply text enclosed in angle brackets. A full list of all available placeholders is in the table below:

<day> The day of the month 1,2,..,31
<day0> The day of the month, padded to two digits 01, 02, .., 31
<month> The month of the year 1, 2, .. ,12
<month0> The month of the year, padded to two digits 01, 02, .., 12
<4DigitYear> The year 2007
<2DigitYear> The last two digits of the year 07
<24hour> The hour of the day in 24 hour format 0,1,2, .., 23
<24hour0> The hour of the day in 24 hour format padded to two digits 00, 01, .., 23
<12hour> The hour of the day in 12 hour format 1, 2, .., 12
<12hour0> The hour of the day in 12 hour format padded to two digits 01, 02, .., 12
<amPm> am or pm in lowercase am, pm
<AMPM> AM or PM in uppercase AM, PM
<second> The second of the hour 0, 1, .., 59
<second0> The second of the hour padded to two digits 00, 01, .., 59
<dayOfWeek> The day of the week 1, 2, .., 7
<dayOfYear> The day of the year 1, 2, .., 365
<dayOfYear0> The day of the year padded to two digits 01, 02, .., 366
<dayOfYear00> The day of the year padded to three digits 001, 002, .., 366
<fullMonthName> The full name of the month for your location/ language January, February, ..., December
<firstLetterOfMonthName> The first letter of the month for your location/ language J, F, .., D
<first2LettersOfMonthName> The first two letters of the month for your location/ language Ja, Fe, .., De
<first3LettersOfMonthName> The first three letters of the month for your location/ language Jan, Feb, .., Dec
<first4LettersOfMonthName> The first four letters of the month for your location/ language Janu, Febr, .., Dece
<first5LettersOfMonthName> The first five letters of the month for your location/ language Janua, Febru, .., Decem
<fullDayOfWeekName> The full name of the day of the week for your location/ language Monday, Tuesday, .., Sunday
<firstLetterOfDayOfWeekName> The first letter of the name of the day of the week for your location/ language M, T, .., S
<first2LettersOfDayOfWeekName> The two first letters of the name of the day of the week for your location/ language Mo, Tu, .., Su
<first3LettersOfDayOfWeekName> The three first letters of the name of the day of the week for your location/ language Mon, Tue, .., Sun
<first4LettersOfDayOfWeekName> The four first letters of the name of the day of the week for your location/ language Mond, Tues, .., Sund
<first5LettersOfDayOfWeekName> The first 5 letters of the name of the day of the week for your location/ language Monda, Tuesd, .., Sunda

You can use plain text in the pattern to add particular characters in between the different date components, e.g. "<hour0>h <minute0>s"